
Alicia's Keys To Keyboards

An online guide to Alicia Morgan's Keyboard Instruction. Feel free to stop by!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcome To Week 2 - Voice Leading

This week we're going to jump on in and get started with our first song, "When a Man Loves a Woman". These changes are written out by note because I want to emphasize voice leading. There are, of course, as many different ways to play these changes as there are people who play them, but I have written out a basic set of voice-led chords to get you comfortable with making these transitions.

This song is an exercise, so I would like you to play this one with the exact notes that are written. Where I would like you to use your individuality is by the rhythmic choices you make. As outlined in the section called "The Next Level", there are many ways to play chords. Look at some of these, and use your own ideas.

Next week we will play this with a bass and drum track - be prepared to play!


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